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User Sense

Single Ease Question (SEQ)

Unlike the System Usability Scale and the Net Promoter Score, the Single Ease Question is posed to the tester at the end of each task. So you get a better picture of usability by component rather than on the whole website or app.

What is the Single Ease Question?


The Single Ease Question is a question that is asked after the completion of a task that is included in a usability test plan, such as requesting a quote. 

The Single Ease Question is answered on a scale from 1 to 7.  This question is formulated as follows:

Overall, how easy or difficult was it to perform this task?
(1= very difficult, 7 = very easy)

The advantages of the Single Ease Question 

  • Immediately clear what areas can be improved. By asking the Single Ease Question at the end of each task, you get immediate insight into which parts were the most (or least) user-friendly.
  • Because the question is asked immediately after the end of the task, it is still well in the memory of the tester. As a result, the tester is better able to accurately record her experience
  • It is only one question. This means it takes little time for the tester to answer it, leaving more time for testing the website or app

Good to know 

  • Correlation with other usability metrics. The Single Ease Question correlates with other usability metrics, such as for example the task-completion rate (r=0.5). Thus, testers are more likely to indicate that a task was difficult if it took them a long time to complete it. 
  • Not the full picture. For a more complete overview of usability, it is recommended to use the SEQ in combination with other usability metrics, such as the System Usability Scale (SUS) and the Net Promoter Score (NPS).
  • Different device types. We use the SEQ for user tests on all device types and different types of software (websites, apps and prototypes). The beauty of the SEQ is that testers give a rating based on the device they are using it on and the stage the product is in. 
  • The average SEQ is 5.5. Research of more than 400 tasks among 10 000 testers shows that the average SEQ is between 5.3 and 5.6. 

Measure the SEQ of your website

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